Monday, December 29, 2008

Finally! Gracing the pages of the NYT and appearing at IHI's National Forum on Quality Improvement

There is much catching up to do with you dear readers. Since December 2007, the beta sites have been working hard to continue their work on MRSA prevention and are seeing great, and according to Dr.John Jernigan, the CDC's authority on infectious diseases, have/are achieving statistically significant results!
December 8, 2008, the beta sites were presenting their work and sharing their results with participants from around the country at the 20th Annual National Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care in Nashville, TN. Proceedings from the conference are available at the IHI website.
December 14th, Positive Deviance and Plexus' PDMRSA Prevention Partnership is one of the NYT Magazine featured ideas of the year. You can access the full article on our website.

We're really excited of the difference we have been making and are continuing to make; preventing infections and saving lives, engaging hospital staff, patients, families and the community in co-creating and co-implementing solutions to sustainably prevent the transmission of MRSA.


Maryn McKenna said...

You might be interested in the SUPERBUG blog where we are tracking new news and research related to MRSA HAIs and community MRSA infections:

Plexus Institute said...

Thanks for the tip Maryn! I will definitely check it out.

How to preventing MRSA said...

Informative post.this is really helpful. Thanks for sharing........)

Jude said...

Another website/blog you might be interested in if you want to learn more about MRSA is: